As May is Stroke Awareness month, we wanted to share one of our client's rehabilitation journey's with you.
Did you know there are 1.3 million Stroke survivors living in the UK which leaves them with varying levels of disability. Stroke does not just affect you physically, there are hidden cognitive and mental health effects of a Stroke. Stroke affects not just the individual but their family, friends and the whole community and this is due to double within the next 20 years with our increasingly ageing population.
Alan is a Stroke survivor who was affected by a Stroke in 2019. Alan was hospitalised for nearly a year and was discharged just after the pandemic started. His rehabilitation journey with PhysioFunction began in June 2020, just after we re started face to face clinic appointments. Initially Alan's balance was badly affected and he was only able to stand with support, but after a year he was walking with a Rollator frame. Alan has utilised lots of our rehabilitation equipment as part of his physiotherapy sessions with one of our Neurological Physiotherapists. He started using the *LiteGait initially to work on improving his walking and once he became steadier on his feet Alan then started to use the *G Move Suit along with a walking aid to help improve his muscle recovery, functional ability and stability. This assisted in his use of the *AlterG which helped him improve his strength, stamina and balance. The AlterG also gave Alan the opportunity to visually see himself walking.
Alan has just completed his 2 year anniversary with us and we have created this short video of his progression.
We hope you enjoy watching Alan's progress over the past 2 years, because our whole team has enjoyed working with him. He has been a joy to work with, is always determined, completing his physiotherapy sessions with a smile on his face!
If you have been affected by a Stroke there is lots of information at *Stroke Association
If you would like to book an assessment to see how we could help you, please fill out a *contact form.