Maximising Independence with Lower Limb Rehabilitation

Hands On Therapy / Technology / Exercise / Home Therapy / TeleRehab

Mobility problems are a common complaint in people with neurological diseases, disorders and injuries. These can range from being unable to engage in community activities that were previously possible, to climbing stairs or standing up from a chair to walk around the home and varies considerably between individuals. Some of the causes can include weakness, spasticity/spasms, loss of sensation and pain in the legs, or lower limb, and core.

Lower limb rehabilitation aims to target these areas to restore as much function and independence is possible in each individual’s case. At PhysioFunction we use our skills in movement analysis and assessment to identify specific problems in the pelvis, leg and foot and provide bespoke, focused and goal-based physiotherapy in both one-to-one and group environments.

The interventions we use will be tailored to individual needs and goals, and may include hands on physiotherapy, strengthening, balance and mobility exercises, and rehabilitation technology.

Hands on physiotherapy for the lower limb involves therapeutic handling of the body to increase or decrease muscle tone, release tight muscles, increase confidence in load bearing through a joint and improve the ability of the individual to use their muscles effectively.

Exercise is a key component of any rehabilitation program as it allows an individual to assist with their own recovery and make the benefits they have gained in clinic continue at home. For the lower limb, exercises would commonly involve stretches, lying or sitting exercises to build strength and, where suitable, standing, weight bearing and balance exercises.

Integrating rehabilitation technology into physiotherapy treatment assists with maximising the effectiveness of therapy, and in some cases can be used as a long-term functional tool. At PhysioFunction we employ a vast array of rehabilitation technology for the lower limb, including the use of bodyweight support devices, biofeedback devices, pressotherapy, virtual reality and gaming devices, functional electrical stimulation (FES), orthotics and exoskeletons.

We currently accept the following Private Medical Insurance